The Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Scheme was introduced in the Singapore Budget 2010 to help SMEs achieve significant tax deductions or payouts for investments in research & development, innovation, automation and training.

In 2011 this year, the PIC Scheme has been further enhanced in Singapore's 2011 Budget to provide tax benefits for investments by businesses in a broad range of activities along the innovation value chain. The tax benefits under PIC will be effective from 2011 up till 2015.
All businesses can enjoy deduction/allowances at 400% and/or 60% cash payout for investment in innovation and productivity improvements under PIC Scheme instead of the 100%/150% tax deduction/allowances under the existing tax rules.
SMEs in Singapore can thus be looking at 68% Tax Savings on money spent within the areas of the 6 qualifying activities. Thus for every $10,000 paid out by an SME, it will only cost them $3,200 after tax savings. It is a great opportunity for SMEs to take advantage of the 400% tax deduction/allowance or 60% cash payout to look at what can be done to improve their businesses at a low cost.
From YAs 2013 to 2015, your business may also further enjoy a PIC Bonus, a dollar-for-dollar matching cash bonus given on top of the existing 400% tax deductions/ allowances and/or 60% cash payout.